- b1ramirez@ucsd.edu
9500 Gilman Dr
Mail Code: 0175-W
La Jolla , California 92093
Associate Director of Writing and Communication Learning Services
Betty joins the Teaching and Learning Commons as the Associate Director of Writing and Communication Learning Services. She is enthusiastic about guiding students to discover and rediscover the writing process. She is intentional about building partnerships and collaborations to grow a stronger sense of community at UC San Diego. She hopes to support EDI efforts and engage with our resource centers and other campus partners to create meaningful programming opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.
Betty’s professional and academic career demonstrate an interest in supportive services for students and marginalized communities. Betty is a first generation, formerly undocumented student who grew up in L.A. in a low-income household. She received her Bachelor’s of Arts in English with a Philosophy minor from Saint Martin’s University. She then enrolled in UC San Diego’s Literature PhD graduate program. Betty’s tenure as a graduate student involved various interests in research and student programming services. Her research interests included: Latin American literatures, U.S-Mexico Border Studies, Chicanx and Latinx literatures, literary theory, cultural studies, genre studies, and continental philosophy. Betty also supported graduate students in her positions as an elected officer for the GPSA and as a Climate Intern for the Department of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. In the final stages of her dissertation research, Betty received the Mellon Integrative Initiative Internship Fellowship to work with the English Faculty at Miramar College and learned about the community college system. She graduated with her PhD and received the ACLS Public Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowship to work on a research project with the nonprofit, National Low Income Housing Coalition.
Previous to her role as Associate Director of WCLS Betty served as the STARS Director and Co-coordinator of the UC San Diego UCLEADS program. She is thankful for her time working at the Department of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs where she learned about outreach and recruitment and meaningful ways to build partnerships to support undergraduate student research and graduate students on campus. With her new role at the Writing Hub, Betty looks forward to the mentorship of opportunities with the Writing Hub and Commons Team. She hopes to continue research in writing studies and develop strategies for creating a thriving learning community at the WCLS.