Services for Students
At UC San Diego, undergraduate student success is defined as maintaining or exceeding good academic standing; making steady progress toward degree completion; actively engaging in research, co-curricular opportunities and the campus and local community; and utilizing resources to intentionally develop the competencies to lead in a global society.

The Teaching and Learning Commons offers support for experiential learning, including:
Academic Internships - Make an appointment on the VAC to meet with an internship advisor or attend our drop-in advising hours
Co-Curricular Record (CCR) - Start your co-curricular record to show graduate schools and potential employers the transferable skills and competencies you are developing while at UC San Diego.
REAL portal - Search for research, internship, and experiential learning opportunities for UC San Diego students
- UCDC - Combine unique coursework and a meaningful internship experience while earning academic credit in Washington D.C.
The Commons hires over 200 student employees each year! Most of these positions are academic positions that include learning strategists, SI leaders, peer tutors, and writing consultants. Most of our hiring is done in the spring quarter for the following academic year. All student academic positions are posted here: UC San Diego Instructional Assistant Data Management System.
The Commons also hires front desk staff, instructional design